Financial Specials

Financial Specials | Credit Application

Special Walk Away Leasing
Lease for 36 months at

$14,200.00 Residual

Walk away after 6, 18, 24, 30 or 36 payments

Walk Away Leasing on Godzilla Kaiju Wars VR

Godzilla™ Kaiju Wars VR is a highly interactive VR game that boasts the Thrill-D NXT™ motion platform, patented force-feedback blasters, wind and vibration effects, 6-channel Earthshaker™ audio, and featuring the massive 2X65” GigaScreen™ video displays – to suck in a never-ending stream of players.

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Offer Expires on March 31, 2025

*Freight, filing fee, import charges, sales tax and delivery to be paid up front. All programs and offers pending approval and contract by Betson Financial Services.

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