Toy Box is a groundbreaking series of crane machines that redefine arcade entertainment. Offering 1P, 2P, 4P, LCD, and XL options, discover why Toy Box stands out in the world of claw machines. With its unparalleled versatility, customizable lighting options, claw adaptability, and dynamic setup, Toy Box offers an unmatched experience you won’t find anywhere else.
These games come in a plethora of color options, which gives a truly customizable experience to build the perfect aesthetic for whatever location it lands in! The LCD version of this game boasts a beautiful LCD screen atop the machine, which highlights incredible visuals.
Toybox is not just a visually striking and flexible piece. You also have the option to effortlessly switch claws, which opens an array of prizing options size-wise. This combination of flexibility and gameplay experience will not be matched!
- Claws are changeable to accommodate a wide range of toy sizes
- Customizable LED Lighting
- LED Lights are available in Blue, Green, Pink, Yellow, Orange, and more
- Also available in 1-player, 2-Player, 4-Player, and LCD Options