Accessible large 19″ touch screen with an overview of exchanged chips & cards.
Accepts up to 5 different card sets.
Print a receipt with a total of collected points or put them on a swipe card (if the swipe card system is compatible with token eaters such as Embed, Intercard, Sacoa, …).
Gives bonus points if a “set” of collection cards is inserted.
Option to require a confirmation from attendant before paying out the bonus with service key or card (also with barcode)
“Book-keeping of points” & Transaction History
Combination: 2 sets => Superbonus
- 19” touchscreen
- Transactions history
- Up to 20 different sets of collection cards eg WW, WOZ, …
- Combination of 2 sets to receive the Superbonus
- Redeem chips and cards and get a receipt or transfer to your card
- Single & double sided