The Pirates Chest ® is based on the very popular Toy Chest ® cranes but has a great pirate-themed decal package. This pirate treasure theme works well with many types of prizes like candy, plush, jewelry, and more! Add Smart’s Jewelry Crane option, and you’ll have what many consider the most attractive jewelry crane in the industry.
- Medium Claw
- Single Coin Mech with Dual Coin Mech option
- Swipe Card Ready
- DBA Ready
- 4-way Joystick
- Credit/Timer Display (LCM)
- “Play Till You Win” (On/Off Dip Switch setting)
- Prize Detection System
- Interactive Sound System
- Multi-colored LED Light Corners with speed and pattern control
- High Security 18 Gauge Steel Console
- Steel security padlock tabs on the console and front glass door
- Tamper Resistant / Coat Hanger Proof Cabinet
- Independent Locking Coin Box
- Tempered Safety Glass
- Black Frame with fantastic Pirates theme graphics.
Available in 31″ and 41″.