H2Overdrive™ 42″ Used

Available Used

Choose from 9 different powerful boats and collect boosters and super boosters to enhance performance.

(2) Available Used in Nevada

*Availability subject to change. Contact Betson Sales for pricing.

Item Number: 024329U


H2Overdrive™ (pre-owned cabinet) delivers stunning “in-your-face” Next-Gen graphics with its 42” Hi-Def LCD panel. Players are directly immersed in the action with force feedback steering, a beefed-up throttle and a powerful seat subwoofer. There are plenty of jumps and secret paths to explore while cruising 7 watery tracks from around the world.

Choose from 9 different powerful boats and collect boosters and super boosters to enhance performance. H2Overdrive™ promotes replay and higher earning capacity with the option to create profiles and save players’ accomplishments for future play. H2Overdrive™ is powered by a Dell Computer with a 1-year warranty, and can link up to 8 cabinets for the ultimate tournament experience!

Cabinet is available used.

Product Specifications