Treasure Quest

Available Used

This centerpiece pirate-themed thriller features a 4 ft wheel that players spin to win the bonus jackpot. This redemption masterpiece (used) has cash boxes everywhere spilling over with “treasures” of coins and tokens.

Discontinued. Call for Availability of Used Equipment.


Item Number: 024832U


Treasure Quest is the perfect redemption piece to add to any arcade. Sporting a fun pirate theme with classic wheel-spinning gameplay, players will keep returning to this one for years.

The way to play is simple – insert your credit and spin the ship’s wheel. The larger wheel behind it will spin around, slowing down to land on a specific prize spot. Aim for the jackpot bonus or other high-value spots to win those tickets. If you miss the Jackpot bonus, coin it up and try again!

Thanks to this design of the spun wheel inside an enclosure, players cannot ‘cheat’ at making the wheel stop where they want it.

Features: Proven earner on location regardless of region. Timeless ‘quick coin’ wheel spinning gameplay captures that “game show” excitement. The cartoon pirate theme adds appeal for all ages. Cabinet-size towers over surrounding games while not occupying much floor space. The wheel area is lit by bright white LEDs. Anti-cheat wheel spinning system. Large Jackpot Bonus numerical LED display on the marquee. Operator adjustable ticket values. Includes numerous printed value cards to swap out onto the game wheel. Ships with a standard 2-slot coin door and dual ticket dispensers. The card swipe is ready; ask about the Dollar Bill Acceptor (DBA) option.